Australia is undoubtedly a nation of pet lovers! While most pet owners have dogs and cats, about 11% care for our beautiful feathered friends. With their vibrant colours, playful personalities, and sometimes impressive talking abilities, birds can make excellent companions. If you’re considering bringing a feathered friend home as a new pet, it’s important to understand their needs. Here are five essential tips for caring for pet birds.

Keeping your Feathered Friend Happy and Healthy Top Tips for Caring for Pet Birds

Birds come in different shapes, sizes and personalities. They have varying levels of social needs, noise levels, and care requirements. It’s important to find a breed that matches your lifestyle and preferences. Understanding these traits beforehand can help you make an informed decision that promotes your and your pet’s well-being.

Tips for Pet Bird Care

Get an Appropriately Sized Cage

In the wild, birds soar through vast landscapes. While a cage can’t replicate that freedom, it should be a spacious haven for your pet. A good rule of thumb is to choose a cage that allows your bird to spread their wings and hop comfortably. Get a cage with multiple levels and perches made from various materials to keep their claws healthy.

Don’t forget about toys! Birds are intelligent creatures that crave mental stimulation. Provide a variety of bird-safe toys that can be chewed, climbed on, and manipulated to keep them occupied.

Provide a Healthy Diet

Seed mixes are a staple, but other items should be on your bird’s menu. A healthy diet should be a mix of commercially prepared pellets formulated for your bird’s species, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats like nuts (in moderation!). Fresh water should also be readily available and changed daily.

Consult your vet to ensure your pet bird gets the proper nutrients to stay healthy.

Keep their Cage Clean

Cleanliness is next to birdliness! Birds are generally quite tidy animals, but a dirty cage can lead to health problems. Aim to spot-clean the cage daily, removing droppings and uneaten food. Once or twice a week, give the cage a thorough cleaning with hot water and a bird-safe disinfectant. Remove all toys and food/water dishes before cleaning, and rinse everything well before putting your pet back.

Out of the Cage and Into the Fun

One of the most essential tips for caring for pet birds is letting them out of their cage. Just like humans, birds need exercise and social interaction to thrive. Allow your bird supervised time outside the cage for several hours each day so they can stretch their wings, explore their environment, and bond with you. Bird-proofing your home, which includes covering electrical cords, removing toxic plants, closing windows to prevent escapes, and turning off ceiling fans is essential during out-of-cage time.

Go for Regular Avian Vet Care

Regular checkups with an avian veterinarian, a vet specialising in birds, are crucial. They can provide preventive care, diagnose and treat any health problems, and answer any questions you may have about your feathered friend. This professional support will give you the confidence that you’re providing the best care for your pet bird.

Additional Tip:

Pre-plan Aftercare

All pets deserve a graceful and dignified send-off. While it’s difficult to imagine the day your bird will pass, having a plan for pet cremation can bring clarity and comfort. We understand that pre-planning can be confronting, but making decisions in advance provides peace of mind and reduces stress for you and your family. The friendly staff at Pet Angel offer support and guidance, ensuring a transparent, streamlined process with prepayment pet cremation plans. Learn more >>> HERE.

Embarking on a Journey with Your Pet Bird

If you currently have a feathered friend at home or plan to care for one (or more), it’s crucial to create an environment where they can thrive. Remember, they can live for many years, so a commitment to their well-being is essential. With proper care, love, and attention, your bird can fly high (pun intended) and bring you and your family so much joy for a very long time.


Contact Pet Angel Funerals

Phone: 1800 PET ANGEL (1800 738 264)
Email: [email protected]

Gold Coast

3/21 Expansion Street,
Molendinar QLD 4214


9/66 Pritchard Rd,
Virginia QLD 4014

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